Benefits of our

Savings Calculator

When you use this savings calculator, you can estimate your investment growth over time. Simply enter in your savings details, such as your Initial Amount, Deposit Amount, Deposit Frequency, Interest Rate and Saving Term, and we can give you an estimated amount that demonstrates the total amount of money you’ll have at the end of the term, the total amount of money you have invested and your total interest earned over the years.

With these calculations, you can estimate how long it will take for you to save for a down payment on a new home with Brighton Homes. Our growth calculator allows you to set a goal and determine how much you’ll need to put away each month in order to reach that goal.

MyChoice Home Loans

As part of the service we provide at Brighton Homes, you now have access to our in-house finance experts at MyChoice Home Loans. To help you better understand the options available, the finance experts at MyChoice Loans can discuss the process and assist you in securing the right loan for your needs.